Tuning the Mind in the Frequency Domain: Karl Pribram’s Holonomic Brain Theory and David Bohm’s Implicate Order

Jan 25, 2023

Have you ever wondered about the nature of consciousness? How does it work, and where does it come from? Scientists have been trying to understand these questions for centuries, and one theory that’s been gaining traction in recent years is the Pribram-Bohm holoflux hypothesis.

The Pribram-Bohm holoflux hypothesis proposes that consciousness is a type of radiant electromagnetic energy that resonates between two regions: an explicate space-time order and a nondual implicate order. According to this theory, the range of human consciousness is determined by the bandwidth of mind in the frequency domain.

The hypothesis was developed by combining two existing paradigms: the holonomic mind/brain theory of Karl Pribram and the ontological interpretation of quantum theory by David Bohm. Together, these theories provide a composite model that can explain observed phenomena of non-locality, both spatially and temporally.

The term “holoflux” was suggested by Karl Pribram to describe David Bohm’s “holomovement” of information-energy cycling between an outer explicate order and an interior implicate order. Bohm believed that consciousness would eventually be found as primary within the actuality of the implicate order. Pribram’s decades of laboratory data convinced him that memory storage and retrieval follow a holographic Fourier transformation process between frequency and time domains.

This Pribram-Bohm composite holoflux theory is congruent with established principles of radio communication engineering, in Bohm’s explicate space-time domain, the holoflux spectra manifest as electromagnetic shells of information or isospheres. Each isosphere has a unique tunable wavelength equal to its diameter, and each isosphere is separated by one Planck length. Information imprinted on the holosphere resonates with the nonlocal holoflux within the implicate order.

The theory extends the panpsychism paradigm that consciousness is inherent in the structure of the universe, and it describes a single, dynamic, nondual but tunable energy that cycles mathematically, in a lens-like process of transformation between the two domains, the explicate order and the implicate order.

This Pribram-Bohm composite holoflux theory is an exciting and complex concept, and more research is needed to understand it fully. However, it provides an innovative perspective on the nature of consciousness and how it relates to space-time and energy. It highlights the importance of interdisciplinary approaches and integrating different fields of study to understand the world around us better.

