Apollo’s Courses

Community Manifestation Emotional Energy Work

Quantified Archetypal Resonance Theory

Discover Yourself Like Never Before

Embark on an enlightening journey into the depths of your psyche with our QART program. Dive into a world where archetypal psychology, emotional energy work, and symbolic visualization converge to offer you profound personal insights and transformative growth.

DREAMS Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dreaming with QART

Unlock the Mysteries of Your Mind

Step into the captivating realm of lucid dreaming with our DREAMS course, a transformative adventure that beckons you to master the art of conscious dreaming. The DREAMS course merges advanced lucid dreaming techniques with personal development strategies, inviting you to awaken to a life of creativity, self-discovery, and empowerment like never before.

Live Events and Sessions

We also offer live events and one-on-one (ARC⚡) sessions to further your work with all our courses. Do you have a personal question or want to spend valuable time with an instructor? Our live events offer you that personal connection you seek.

Ready to make a change?

Start watching our free videos to make positive changes in your life.