Experiencers, Unique Intuition, and Biomarkers

Jan 27, 2023

Intuition is a subject that has been explored by many in the field of psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy. At its core, intuition is the ability to understand something without needing conscious reasoning. In other words, it’s a gut feeling or a sense of knowing something without being able to explain how you know it. Intuition has been described as a form of intelligence distinct from analytical or logical thinking.

Recently, a study by Green and Nolan explored the concept of intuition in greater detail. The study focused on individuals with high IQs (over 140) and looked at whether there are forms of inherited intuition that are passed down across families. The study also examined whether high intuition is correlated with high performance.

One of the study’s key findings was that specific areas of the brain are involved in intuition. In particular, the study found that the caudate-putamen, a brain region that plays a role in processing complex information, is closely linked to intuition. This is an important discovery as it suggests that intuition may be a function of the brain rather than simply a vague concept.

The study also found that individuals with high intuition can anticipate future events. This is a crucial aspect of intuition and highlights the importance of this ability in certain situations. For example, intuition can be a valuable tool in high-pressure environments where quick thinking and decision-making are essential.

However, it’s not clear where the information in the brain or environment arrives, whether these people are particularly good at processing information from their senses in a way that allows them to predict the most likely course of action logically or if they’re witnessing some sense of future information remains unanswered.

Another interesting finding of the study is that individuals with high intuition have a high level of integrative activity in the brain. This means they can process information from multiple sources simultaneously and make connections between seemingly unrelated pieces of information. This ability to make connections is essential for problem-solving and decision-making.

The study also found that individuals with high intuition are often called “experiencers.” These people have been exposed to something that would generally be referred to as paranormal, such as UFOs, spirits, ghosts, or religious apparitions. These experiences can occur when the person is awake and are not hallucinations.
It’s worth noting that the study population may be capable of interpreting some information from their environments, to which the rest may be somewhat blind. Whether this is the “akashic field” that’s been spoken about in various esoteric religions and scripts or something else is not clear.

In conclusion, the study by Green and Nolan provides valuable insights into the nature of intuition. It highlights the importance of intuition in high-pressure environments and shows that it may be a brain function. The study also suggests that intuition may be inherited and individuals with high intuition can anticipate future events. Overall, the study is an important step in understanding the complex nature of intuition.

It’s important to note that the study is not conclusive, and more research is needed to fully understand intuition’s nature. However, the study’s findings are intriguing and provide a starting point for further exploration.

Experiencers, Unique Intuition, and Biomarkers