Change From Within
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News & Research
Childhood Trauma: A Grave Psychosocial, Medical, and Public Policy Problem
Childhood trauma is a serious problem that has severe consequences for its victims and society as a whole. Trauma in childhood can range from experiences of chronic interpersonal violence to other forms of overwhelming stress. Developmental traumatology provides a...
Alterations in Consciousness: A Study on the Neurophysiology of Shamanic Trance
The nature and clinical significance of trance states remains a subject of much debate in the scientific community. Despite numerous electrophysiological and neuroimaging studies on altered states of consciousness, including dissociative conditions, hypnosis, and...
Light Therapy for Depression: A Promising Alternative to Traditional Therapies
Depression is a common mental disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. Current treatments for depression primarily include pharmacological agents such as antidepressants and psychiatric counseling, also known as psychotherapy. However, recent advancements...